Tree Planting
Tomorrow’s timber stands will grow from seedlings planted today-provided they’re planted with care. All the money, time, and effort a forest landowner devotes to the regeneration of a forest stand (site preparation, vegetation management, seedling purchases, etc.) will mean very little without a quality planting job.
Tree seedlings are handled, stored, and planted with care to ensure the highest survival rate. Miller Timber Services, Inc. has replanted thousands of acres of forest land over the last 25 years. The Company has experience planting various seedling species and sizes in varying locations and terrain.
Our skilled and experienced crews know how to perform the many small but essential tasks in the field that spell the difference between success and failure. Miller Timber Services, Inc. is capable of seedling transport, cooler storage, and all aspects of the planting process.

Ground Fertilizer Application
The type and quantity of fertilizer utilized are specific to the silviculture prescription or stand management objectives of the site. The Company’s foresters are trained in meeting these objectives with the most cost-effective application.
Ground Herbicide Application
Young conifers, especially Douglas-fir, are extremely vulnerable to competition from weeds and brush from the time of planting through the first few years of growth in the field. Control of competing vegetation is essential to producing a quality timber stand.
Often, competing vegetation is controlled by herbicide application. As an applicator, it’s essential to know which products work best under a wide variety of circumstances. An inexperienced person can easily make a costly mistake.
Our licensed chemical applicators have experience with all the herbicides registered for forest use. They have the knowledge to prescribe effective treatments, and the skill and proper equipment to apply these chemicals economically and safely.
Vexar Tubing
Wintering deer and elk can cause substantial damage to forest plantations. One post-planting protection method utilized is the application of vexar tubing. Vexar tubing is a plastic mesh tube that is placed around conifer seedlings protecting them from browsing animals.
Pre-Commercial Thinning
Thinning is an important timber management tool. Pre-Commercial Thinning is the process of thinning overstocked plantations removing unwanted hardwoods and less desirable trees.
Selectively removing trees in an immature stand this effective redistributes the total growth of the stand to fewer trees of a higher quality and value. A well-planned thinning program can enhance both the timber value of a forest stand and non-timber values such as wildlife or recreation.
The pre-commercial thinning process isn’t taken lightly. It’s a decision that affects the value of the forest stands in years to come. For this reason, Miller Timber Services, Inc.’s crew members have a thorough understanding of the basic growth processes of forest stands. Our cutters know how to assess the effects of various thinning regimes on the growth and yield of the stand. Their knowledge and experience allow them to make these critical stand management decisions with confidence.
Cone Collection
Ripe cones are picked from trees that have been selected for their genetic qualities. The cones are sent to nurseries which extract the seeds for future generations of seedlings. This specific selection process will lead to seedlings that will thrive in the geographic location, climate, and elevation in which the cones were harvested.
Animal Control – Trapping
The Mountain Beaver (Boomer) is a small rodent similar to a large gopher or tailless muskrat. Boomers are strict herbivores that can be found in the Pacific Northwest. Many consider them to be costly pests due to their consumption of seedling trees.
Animal Control – Big Game Repellent
Big game repellent application is used for repelling deer and elk from conifer seedlings. Animals are effectively deterred by the product’s odor.