Trucking Division Services
The company’s transportation division is continuously expanding to keep up with the growing demands of the organization. With more than 15 trucks in the fleet, including short loggers, long loggers, lowbeds, and dump trucks.
Miller Timber Services trucks easily convert during fire season to assist with wildland fire suppression emergency services as tenders transporting 2800-4100 gallons of water to the fireline.
Eight lowboys are available for outside hire, with multiple sizes and configurations. The Company also contracts hauls various business logs, box trailers, refrigerated trailers, and heavy equipment.
How does a log in the forest get to the mill?

Processed logs on the landing are sorted and decked based on the mill’s shipping specifications. Loader operators load these logs onto trucks strategically distributing the weight of the load. The two log truck types commonly used for transporting logs are long logger trucks (transporting logs 28-52ft in length) and mule train trucks (short logger) which are configured with a truck and trailer for shorter logs/pulpwood (transporting logs/pulp 14-24ft in length).
Professional Log truck drivers monitor the loader operators while they load the logs onto their truck to assure the wood is evenly distributed over the axles and load weights are not exceeded. Load weights are not to exceed weight restrictions set in place by landowners, ODOT, and the vehicle’s GVWR. Loaded logs are secured on the truck with wrappers that are thrown over the load and tightened with binders.
Log truck drivers expertly navigate on remote, windy, and narrow logging roads with loaded log trucks. They use CB’s to communicate their position and progress on these narrow roads based on the mile markers on the roadways. This is to ensure they do not meet another log truck navigating in the opposite direction. Prior to starting travel on the highways drivers inspect and tighten their loads to ensure safe transport. Logs are delivered to the appropriate sawmill where they are unloaded, weighed, and scaled.